The credit crunch is a state of mind

Think your way out of credit difficulties.


Anonymous said...

He quotes Jim Cramer as saying Starbucks is a buy. Jim Cramer said keep your money in Bears-Stern just before it went bellie-up.

Cramer is funny, but you shouldn't take advice from him. In fact, I'd say always do the exact opposite of what Cramer says. So sell Starbucks. Makes sense since people can't afford such a frivolous lunary.

Anonymous said...


The rule of credit crunch is use in all over the world but I'd say always do the exact opposite. So sell Starbucks. Makes sense since people can't afford such a frivolous lunary.

Anonymous said...

Many relaxed spenders of cafe culture will realize they need that 120/month to fund the mortgage, so yes Starbucks will have to work harder for their money.

This guy needs to realize that mindset helps you deal with reality and remain productive.

Mindset does NOT alter the objective circumstances and context that we live in. These circumstances are changing rapidly for all of us - like it or not.

As things continue change many of these 'throwback voices' will quieten as denial becomes futile...

Penny Stock Newsletter said...

During the great housing bubble. I can picture the young real estate sales agent’ the banker waiting for the buyer to sign on the doted line chuckling when someone suggested that real estate could maybe not be the greatest investment in the world. So over confident that you could smell it in the room. Non of these guys ever thought for a moment that their was anything out of the ordinary.

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