The great real estate crash

I posted this one a year back, but it is still one of my favorites. Lou Minatti meets Patsy Cline


Anonymous said...

I never saw it a year ago but it was amuzing to watch. It is a crazy world we live it and today's market is one of them.

Anonymous said...

I agree. The real estate market is quite crazy these days. This was good...

Amanda <3

Anonymous said...

Check this out for real estate marketing in a down market:
P.S. And you will come home is dedicated to those who offer the ultimate sacrifice in order to preserve all that is right, good and truly American.
MLS# 991170: A mini video that has been written, directed, filmed, and produced by a builder and his agent in Nashville, TN as a means to market the builder's latest project, a majestic American Foursquare located at 1742 Hillmont Drive, Nashville, TN. In the film, a young American Korean War veteran makes his long journey back home after serving his country in battle. He is reunited with his family and inherits all that is right and good in life- the love of his strong family, a special heirloom gift from his proud father, and knowing he is finally home. At the end, he returns the favor to his son, years later.

oglasnik said...

One Ford Road: Crazy is not the right word :)

Penny Stock Tips Advice said...

This whole notion of free trade is phoney. We are becoming a nation composed of financial services companies. All these companies do is recycle money. The result is no useful products and services are being produced or sold. The idea that the bedrock of the united states economy can be a country of bankers financial planners financial researchers dealing with numbers marketing consultents' lawyers is completly false a really bad joke. I could go on and on but I need not. The intangable economy of sorts must be replaced with a economy that produces or provides useful products and services that are really needed. Otherwise we will end up with a few bright CPA's with master degrees siting behind desks making a good living and everybody else cleaning the carpeting and emptying the wast paper baskets.For three dollars an hour.

Penny Stock Newsletter said...

This whole notion of free trade is phoney. We are becoming a nation of financial services companies All these companies do is recycle money. The result is no useful products and services are being produced or sold. The idea that the bedrock of the united states economy can be a country of bankers financial planners financial researchers dealing with numbers marketing consultents' lawyers is completly false. I could go on and on but I need not. The intangable economy of sorts must be replaced with a economy that produces or provides useful products and services that are really needed. Otherwise we will end up with a few bright CPA's with master degrees siting behind desks making a good living and everybody else cleaning the carpeting and emptying the wast paper baskets.For three dollars an hour.

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