The lead-hounds

Here is an trade infomercial from Weichert. It explains how the company chases up home buyers for realtors. The key "take-away" from this clip is "don't let them get your phone number". If they do, these lead-hounds will hunt you down and eat you up. There is no escape from the "lead-incubators". You will close with a Weichert agent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are mis-informed.

The Weichert Lead Network was designed to service consumers, not hound them.

If you are on the internet looking at properties, and click that you want more information, you actually get a CALL from the Lead Network that hooks you up with a local agent---LIVE.

Customers expect an instant response when they want information on a property..however the real estate industry as a whole takes, on avaerage, 54 hours to get back to people, if at all (60% of inquiries are never even responded to).

Obviously the goal of ANY business is to make sales...otherwise you won't have a business, WILL YOU?

However, slamming the Lead Network as "trickery" or that we're taking customers "hostage" is completely irresponsible and misguided. 90% of the time the customer is inquiring on non-Weichert properties that they are browsing on the internet. Also, we have a 1-800-USA-SOLD number that you can call if you prefer not to fill out the web form.

When you look at, you see nothing but a map of the propoganda, no registration required. We know people are there to look at properties quickly. As a result, we have the "stickiest" web site in the industry, at 12 minutes per visit.

Before you make comments like the above, please have your facts straight about what the purpose is. Does the Lead Network benefit our associates? Of course. They aren't wasting their time on buyers who aren't serious (which leads to the industry not responding 60% of the time). Does it benefit the customer? Of course. They get instant answers to their inquiries. Looks like a win-win to me.

All the best,
Dave Eisley
Weichert Realtors