Realtor daycare

This is a really strange ad. It is from from a corporate real estate leasing company in Australia. The ad points out that the leasing company has set up a daycare center for its clients.

Of course, daycare centers are great things. However, I doubt very much whether any of the potential clients for this leasing company would have daycare centers high on their list of requirements. After all, isn't real estate all about location, location and more location?

The realtor company management probably weren't looking too closely when the ad company pitched them this idea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mate - this ad is part of a series of 7 (you can see the whole lot on line if you look for them. It isn't for a leasing company but a corporate park that leases office space in the one location. One of the many features of the corporate park is a daycare centre. There are also cafes, dry cleaners, a salon etc etc etc...These are the features that are being used as value adds in a very competitive corporate leasing environment in Australia. Perhaps more research next time might lead you to different conclusions.