It takes brass balls to sell real estate

Although this clip is dark and grainy, the dialogue is first rate. Taken from the 1980s film - Glengarry Glenross - Alex "always be closing" Baldwin explains what it takes to sell real estate. The philosophy is simple

"The only thing that counts in this life - get them to sign on the line". Certainly, this advice was taken to heart by many of the nation's subprime lenders.

Alex also comes through with a great incentive scheme for the luckless salesman:

"First prize is a Cadillac; second prize; a set of steak knives, third prize - YOU'RE FIRED".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! I know someone who's been a derivative trader with UBS investment banking for 12 years. When he was a student he said this was his all-time favourite scene in the movies: he even presented a dissertation for his MBA using the brass balls trick. But he denies everything now, and reckons money isn't everything!